
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Splish Splash

For some reason she forgot how much she loves being in a pool. She would splash from the outside but did not want to get in. Even when I told her we'd change her into a bathing suit and go swimming. She just said "no" she might as well have been in the pool cause her clothes were all wet anyway!

She finally let me change her into her bathing suit after I showed it to her. I think she finally's been a long time since she's been in a pool. She had a great time!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Long Day

Here I am at almost 10pm. Another night I promised myself I'd go to bed right after I put the girls to sleep and instead I'm doing other things. They've been in bed since 7:30 but I've always got something to accomplish before I can go to bed. Oh well. Today was exhausting, other days are too but today I was just so tired. I love being at home with my babies no doubt, but it can be hard. There are times I feel like my mind is vanishing and my nerves get so worked up that I confuse my kids and all I want to do is take just an hour nap. Today was a day like that.
I was getting the girls ready to leave the house and anytime I'm doing that I have to be prepared not to leave the house till an hour and a half later! So I was dressing Sophia and I stood her up to put her pants on and her legs just flopped back down. I stood her up again and she flopped down again. I stood her up and looked in her face and said "Sophia, stand up to put your pants on." Then I realized in that moment that duh...this is not Jedidiah, Sophia can't stand up yet. Oh my gosh!!! See this is what I'm talking about. It was only 10:30am and already my mind was twisted up! Then while we're out Jedidiah is misbehaving throwing fits and crying. I was going to take her to the park after my errands but decided to just go back home.
Things always seem better after nap time though. It's like everyone gets a clean slate and we start all over again. We went for a walk and Jedidiah walked Conan...or he walked her.
Here are some pictures from our day I'm off to bed...unless I get side tracked by something else.

On our walk today Sophia decided to get real comfortable. She just wanted to "hang out"

And here's the front view...she's such a cutie! She loves going outside just like Jedidiah. Anytime they get cranky we just head outside and it tends to solve everything. If they could stay outside all day they would.

During our walk Jedidiah took care of Conan the entire way. She kept saying "stay...good boy...go, Coco no" (She calls Conan Coco) It was cute cause you could tell Conan was so bored from walking at Jedidiah's pace...he's used to running all around so it was pretty boring for him. But he did good and followed her "commands" and he didn't take off with her holding the leash. He's a good dog and even though Jedidiah annoys him she also loves him very much.

This was after the walk. We came inside for a drink. Sophia was pulling Jedidiah's hair because Jedidiah had taken Sophia's cup away from her and started drinking her juice! (I don't blame her. Jedidiah takes everything away from Sophia) Here they are fighting...oh my, I can only imagine the years to come. I pray they seldom fight, but I know it's inevitable. Notice the look on their faces. Sophia is so intense and she's clearly staring her cup down cause she's mad. Jedidiah; even though she's getting her hair pulled, has a smirk on her face cause she knows she's annoying her sister!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Some Random Pictures

Ok hopefully you can see Jedidiah in the picture. She's started this new thing every time we're in the car. She plugs her ears. I don't know if she thinks the music is too loud or if she's trying to pull wax out of her ears but either way it's funny. And this is kind of strange but she loves the smell of books. Not the cardboard page ones but the paper page ones. Every time I'm reading her the paper page books she grabs it and takes a big whiff and says "mmmm" It's a little strange but oh well, I call it "personality"

We went to K-Town (Killeen) for Mother's Day weekend. Jedidiah loves her cousin Arecelli. It's a little blurry but you get the point. Arecelli shared her dolls and Jedidiah followed her around the house and they both had strollers. So cute!

"Oh Sophia", as Jedidiah says, life right now is just so exhausting for you! Poor baby. This was at almost 6pm and she just couldn't stay awake to finish her dinner. But look at her little fingers and her chubby arm, oh I could munch on her all day long...actually I do and she doesn't even mind. She's my little cuddle bug!

So Sad

I thought this would never happen to me, but now I see that I'm just a mom like all the others. The other day I went to Wal-Mart and had the girls with me. Jedidiah kept telling me "pee-pee" on the way there so I asked her to hold it till we got to the store. I parked, un-locked all the doors, opened the trunk to get the stroller out and set my keys in my trunk while I opened the large parachute...I mean stroller. Usually I throw my keys in the cup holder and go on about business but for some reason I forgot I laid them in the trunk and I closed the door. At that very moment all the doors locked...with the girls inside...and the car was off...and it was hot.
I quickly checked all the doors and none would open, then panic set in. I looked up and a guy was getting into his car so I yelled "Sir! Help me my kids are locked in the car!" A lady heard me and went over to a Fire Dept vehicle that was parked near by and had him come over. At this point Jedidiah is crying and saying "Pee-Pee" over and over. She doesn't understand why I'm not opening the door. Because I'm a little panicked my first thought was "does anybody have something to break my window with?" The fire dept worker called the Dept cause he didn't have anything to pop the lock with. So as we wait for them I try waving at Jedidiah from the window and play games. She's not having it! She's got to go pee so bad. I can see Sophia's little legs squirming around like she's crying or fussing and I'm so upset. The whole time I'm thinking just give me something to break the window, but the guy kept saying they'd be there soon and get them out.
So the fire truck shows up, lights and all, followed by a police car...lights and all! Six men jump out and surround the car and look into the windows...I guess to "asses" the situation but this freaked Jedidiah out! At this point she's trying to pull the seat belt apart and she's grabbing herself cause remember...she's gotta pee! They said "Ma'am, we're gonna get them out but if we cause damage to your vehicle we cannot be held responsible." "I don't care!" I told them, just get them out!
So they took their tools out and popped the door in less than a minute but even though they pressed the unlock button in my car the locks weren't working. So I jump in the car to the back seat to unlock the doors and get them out. Poor babies were hot and starting to sweat. They were in there for a total of 7 minutes without AC. I felt horrible. I have no idea how that even happened because I've left my keys in my car before and shut the door and it has never locked automatically. Needless to say, Jedidiah held her pee, Good Job I'm so proud of her! And I bought her ice cream and a little swimming pool cause I felt so bad. (I only went to Wal-Mart for contact solution)

I've heard so many stories of moms doing weird things because of the lack of brain cells. For example I know someone who locked their child inside the house while she was outside and on another occasion locked both of themselves outside in the middle of summer without being able to get a hold of anyone to let them in...I won't mention any names because she might be reading my blog and plus she's family :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Getting Fit and Staying Safe

Ok this photo is probably not what you were expecting to see. What in the world does this have to do with getting fit? Well, I started taking Krav Maga lessons. What in the world is Krav Maga? Ok so it's a hand-to-hand combat system developed in Israel and now used in the military. It's basically a self-defense training with a ton of exercise woven in. It's like self-defense and boot camp rolled into one. It's practical for today's time and it definitely kicks my butt! In class today I learned how to react if a gun was pointed at me...hence the picture. But along with the Krav Maga techniques the instructor threw in boxing. Wow, I'm so sore! Even with gloves my knuckles are red, bruised and sore. But what a great work out! So as my title says; I'm getting fit and I'm learning to be safe. I love it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

So Happy

I have to say that I'm blessed to have such happy babies! Here's my Sophia waking up from her nap. She's always smiling and laughing. Anytime you make eye contact with her she smiles, it's the greatest thing to see. She's talking a lot more now, or should I say babbling a lot more now. You can always hear her talking to someone or something. Right now it's buh buh buh buh as she gnaws on a toy but other times it's yah yah yah yah or wah wah wah wah...she's so smart! I can't wait to hear her start saying Mama...ok and Papa too but that's not as important.