
Friday, May 1, 2009

So Happy

I have to say that I'm blessed to have such happy babies! Here's my Sophia waking up from her nap. She's always smiling and laughing. Anytime you make eye contact with her she smiles, it's the greatest thing to see. She's talking a lot more now, or should I say babbling a lot more now. You can always hear her talking to someone or something. Right now it's buh buh buh buh as she gnaws on a toy but other times it's yah yah yah yah or wah wah wah wah...she's so smart! I can't wait to hear her start saying Mama...ok and Papa too but that's not as important.

1 comment:

  1. she's such a little cutie.. love her smile!! you definitely have the happiest babies I know ;o)
