
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Very Quick Update

Oh my, it's been so long since I've been on here to blog. So much has happened. Let's see if I can give a quick update...yeah right...when it comes to writing I can't be short. (stop laughing cause I know you are)

Ok let's see. I threw Danny a surprise 30th birthday. It was great! So much fun and yes that massive chunk of block-on-fire in front of him was the cake. It was amazing, it looked like a brick wall with graffiti all over it. And I threw in the other picture to show the cool graffiti pineapple on one of the cocktail tables. It was good times and Danny had a blast. Thanks to all the people who helped me pull this thing off!

Sophia turned 1! And she started walking. Poor thing didn't like all the attention at her birthday party. She cried a lot especially when we all sang Happy Birthday...even though it had to be whispered she still cried.
Duck theme birthday. Here she was coloring her own duck.

Yes that's supposed to be a duck swimming in a pond of blue icing.

A little blurry but you get the point. She's with her cousins opening her gifts.

We went to the Dallas Arboretum this year as a replacement for a pumpkin patch. Yes I know that was a long time ago; I'm way behind. It is so beautiful out there. I can't wait to see the grounds in the Spring time. The girls had fun but Sophia wasn't too sure about sitting with those pumpkins.

There were tons of pumpkins everywhere!

Jedidiah picking out a pumpkin

Sophia did not like this part at all. She screamed right after this picture.

And the last major event that took place is we found out the gender of our baby!
Here's what we did. I went in for an ultrasound and did NOT look. After seeing the gender the doctor called my bakery and told them what I was having. I had already contacted them about making a cake and they knew that the doctor would call with either Pink news or Blue news.
So I picked up the cake and the entire family was at the house waiting. Even my family in Killeen was there...on the computer camera. It was great, they looked liked they were in Time Square on New Year's Eve. They had hats and signs and cup cakes it was fun.
Ok so the cake was on the table and Danny and I held the knife. It was a white cake with a yellow question mark on top. What could it be? The tension was building as the cake stared at us holding a secret we all desperately wanted to know and thought we already knew. Even if you looked very closely there was no hint of a clue coming from this dessert; no crumb or glimmer of a shade of color. This cake; though very simple and insignificant in it's existence; held the most valuable information at that very moment.
...and the count down began...3...2...1...CUT!

A huge gasp from everyone...or maybe it was just my BREATH that I heard.
Oh My Gosh is that for real??? Did the bakery mess up? Maybe my doctor didn't really see it right cause I was sure the cake would be another color!

The big mystery...

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yet again)
Yes the inside of the cake was pink and I was certain it was going to be blue.
I went to the doctor's office that Monday to pick up the ultrasound picture...just to be sure she didn't mess up. And oh yes, it's clearly another girl.

I only have about 11 weeks till we meet the newest member of our family. This has flown by so fast, I feel like I just found out I was pregnant. Jedidiah can't wait to meet her new little sister. She talks to the baby all the time and gives her kisses. Though I've talked to Sophia I really don't think she knows or maybe she doesn't want to know there's a baby coming.
We decided on the name Aaliyah, can't wait to meet you!

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