
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's all about Perspective

Today was a trying day for me. The girls have been sick with a cold for a few days now and though they seem like they're getting better the snot just keeps coming. I have my moments where I'm so tired I can barely make sense of what I'm saying and today I lost my temper a few times with Jedidiah just because I was so exhausted. When days like this come I can't help but say to myself "this is so hard." But then God always finds a way to slap me in the face and bring everything into perspective.

I found this blog/website about a family with a little boy named Turner. The entry that you are about to read is from Aug 7th of this year. I hope after reading this; whether you have children or not; that you'll reflect on your day to day life and allow things to come into perspective such as I allowed for myself tonight.

Hi Everyone, I wanted to give you all the update from out test results today. Turner's cancer has returned yet again. The two areas that we just finished radiation on, his cheek bone and above his right eye, have started to grow again, along with the new area under his jaw bone. So, Keith and I met with our two doctors today and had a discussion regarding Turner's treatment. He will no longer have treatment for his disease. We were told today that it will be almost impossible for Turner to be cured. So, after great discussion between Keith and I and with the agreement of our doctors, we feel that quality of life is the most important thing for Turner and our family now.

Turner will go in for visits every couple of weeks or so or until he starts to show signs of discomfort. He will be given oral pain meds as long as they will work for him. After that point, he will need to have a port put in so that he can get IV pain meds. At that time any further care needed will be given in our home. One of our doctors has requested if she can be our at home doctor and we are thankful for that, since she knows our exact situation.

No words can express our sadness right now. We are thankful that Turner is still feeling very well and seems to be his happy self. Most importantly we are thankful to have been chosen to be Turner's parents. We hope you all know that your continued prayers, love, and support have been so greatly appreciated. As Turner's doctor once told me, prayer is the most powerful medicine. So, we will not stop.



Needless to say this mother's sadness has become my own as I weep over her journal entry. How quick we are to complain about the smallest hiccup in our day or the most insignificant occurrence that disrupts our routine. Cherish the moments you have with one another and be thankful for the time you have and make the most of it.

If you'd like to get more information about Turner and his family you can visit

Leave them a note and please add him to your prayer list.

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