
Friday, June 5, 2009

It's been a while...

My goodness, I feel like it's been forever since I've written something. Well let me get caught up. Since the last post, I celebrated my 27th birthday! Danny sent me to the spaahh. I got a massage and a facial. A steam capsule...I fell asleep with that one, and a pedicure. So nice. Well I came back home from the spa and right as I entered the house...Surprise!!!!! All my friends and some family were in my kitchen to celebrate my birthday! Of course I was a little embarrassed because I had no make up on and somehow I got a small bump on my lip from the facial. I guess I was allergic to something they used. But overall, what a great birthday. Here's a picture from that day. I had a huge cake thanks to my sisters-in-law Juanita and Michelle. It was so good too...there was fudge in the center. Oh yea!

So that party was the week before my birthday. On my real birthday I went to Bear Creek Park for a few hours and just spent that time reading my bible, praying and listening to music. Oh it was so great. I love my babies...the two little ones and the big one, but every now and then I need some time to connect back with God and get myself back in order. God spoke some great things to me out there but among those I'd like to share this. He took me to Genesis to read about the fall of mankind. I read about how Eve disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit but also initiated her husband into great sin as well. They were both at fault but Eve disobeyed first. Then in God's word it says that God cursed the serpent, Eve and Adam but even though they were cursed God said of Eve, "there will be enmity between your Seed and the seed of satan. He (Eve's seed) will bruise (or crush) your head (satan) with his heal and satan's head will bruise his heal." I'm paraphrasing but you get the point. Anyway, the bible I have has great commentary and here is what the Lord spoke to me; prepare yourself, it's a long one.

It is a remarkable token of divine grace that God, in His mercy and in His giving of the first promise of a Deliverer/Messiah, chose to bring this about by the Seed of the woman. In short, the first one scarred by sin is selected to be the one first promised to become an instrument of God's redemptive working. The birth of Seth, the "seed" given or born to Eve to replace the murdered Able, was the first in the "bloodline" that traces back to the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eve's distinct place in the failure of the first couple becomes the soil in which God's mercy plants the first seed of promise. The message is obvious: God is able to "make all grace abound" toward ANY of us. However deep the failure, Eve's testimony declares that God's grace goes deeper yet.

Man this is great stuff. Eve disobeyed and so did Adam and they messed it up for all of us till the end of time. God never intended us to live the way we do with sickness, heartbreak, or any of those things but because of them we do. But here's my thought; how many times have I made a decision in my life, my marriage, my relationships or at any time that could possibly effect the future of my children's children in a negative and cruel way? How many times have I sinned so deeply to cause such a disruption in generations to come? But God's grace goes so much deeper than my screw ups and it's because of His promise...Jesus came (the seed) and paid for all my junk; past, present and future mistakes by volunteering all my ugliness and filth to be put on him so that His grace could cover those bad things up and I could go free of my guilt. WOW! God is so good! Thank the Lord for grace! All I could do was cry cause it's so inconceivable how much God loves us. It's undeserving and yet so powerful.
Since the park I went to was so beautiful I decided to go back home after the girls woke up from their nap and take them to the same park. (ok so I can't stay away from them too long) There were ducks, geese, turtles, squirrels and lots of trees. The girls did so well at the park with me and we were able to enjoy three hours of fun. They even sat on a blanket to eat a snack and just hung out for a while. Jedidiah didn't even run off, which is a good thing she's well behaved. Here's a picture of them during their snack. We were singing songs in this picture.

And to top it all off, Sophia did "the army scoot" on my birthday! She moved about 2 inches and hey that's great! What a wonderful birthday I had.

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