
Friday, June 5, 2009

More updates

Yes two posts on the same day. There's just lots to say. Well we went to the zoo on memorial day...I told you it's been a while. The girls loved it and had so much fun looking at all the animals. Sophia's favorite were the flamingos. The look on her face was priceless. If I could only know what she was thinking. It seemed like she thought "what in the world are those things and why are they standing like that?" Jedidiah usually likes the monkeys but this time she was interested in the penguins. She would stand at the glass and talk and talk. Here are some pictures of our zoo visit.

Hmmm, are those real monkeys?

I love this picture of them. So cute! I took this while we were waiting for other family members to catch up. She was just interested in Daddy's hat.

Here's the happy family. Jedidiah was getting tired at this point but Sophia was having a blast!

Oooooh, I see a tiger!

1 comment:

  1. Your family is aweseome!! Glad to see you aredoing so well. Danial we should talk soon just to catch up. Love the shirt in these pics ;P
