
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Great News!

You guessed it...I'm pregnant!!!!!!
Wow, God is just sending these kiddos one after another. He must really think we can handle it.
I suspected for the last couple weeks that I may be pregnant but it wasn't confirmed till Sunday when I took a pregnancy test. I'm about 4 weeks and I'll have my first appointment on July 9th. We're so excited and can't believe we're having our third, this is crazy. I'll admit I know it's gonna be very busy in my house at times and there may be days I want to pull out my hair but overall I'm so excited and I know it'll be so much fun. I'm not sure the exact due date but it should be somewhere in Feb. By the time this baby is born Jedidiah will be 2 1/2 yrs old and Sophia will be a little over a year old.

We didn't find out what we were having with the first two but this time around we're gonna do something different and find out. Jedidiah is older now and this will help her prepare and adjust to what is about to come. We'll be able to talk to her about her brother/sister and hopefully Sophia will understand as well. I remember Jedidiah understood I had a baby in my belly but other than that she didn't get it, but now she'll understand the concept a little better and I want to spare her some anxiety if I can. Danny wants a boy but of course he says he'll be happy if it's another girl. I think it would be really funny if it's another girl, plus I'm not sure I'd know what to do with a boy. I know I'd be ok but it's so different.

Anyhow, now our headache is just trying to get rid of our car. The kids would all fit in but it'll be really tight. We have a lease right now and it's been such a pain trying to get rid of this car but we know God will provide a way and if there isn't another car for a while that's ok too. There's plenty of families that make it work with what they have so it'll be fine. But just in case; if you know of anyone who needs a car and would like to take over the lease let me know. It's a 2006 Toyota Matrix with great gas mileage. Payments are $395 a month.

So far I've been feeling great. No sickness but then again I didn't get sick with the other two either. I've noticed I'm a bit more tired than usual and my hunger is increasing, but so far so good. Hopefully I'll have energy to keep blogging throughout this pregnancy and keep everyone up to date. And if not, so sorry.

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