
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Updates & 4th of July

No no, I didn't spend 4th of July in Washington, it would have been very pretty though. I was in Killeen for Independance day.

Well I spent last week in Killeen with my family. I was helping out my sister who was in the hospital for some testing. All went well. And my nephew had a second surgery on his shoulder/arm in Houston and that turned out amazing, Praise the Lord for good reports! It was a bit exhausting to say the least but it all turned out in God's favor.
Danny stayed home with the girls part of the time and his family helped out as well. Thank God for family! I wondered how the week would go me without them and them without me. I realized after the first day that I missed my babies tremendously but I didn't think they felt the same. All reports from home stated that they were doing good, playing, behaving (they better be) and doing just fine. But Danny drove to Killeen with the girls on the weekend to spend 4th of July with my family; oh boy was I wrong! They really missed me! Sophia would not let me out of her sight, if I walked away for a second she was crying and wailing. If I held her and tried to pass her off to someone else she would cling to my arm so tight and dig her nails into my skin. Jedidiah wanted me to hold her the entire time. She still played some with her cousins "Nano" and "Leli" but for the most part she was clingy also. It was great to see that they missed me but after an entire day of this behavior it was getting draining. Now we're back home and things seem to have normalized for them. They're still a little clingy but for the most part I think they know I'm back home to stay.

Oh and I forgot to mention, it was my sister's birthday on the 2nd. Happy Birthday! I forgot how young you are but I know you're 5 years ahead of me. But that doesn't really matter if I can't remember how old I am! Here is Frances with husband Matt and kiddos Nando and Arecelli...and her favorite cake, a Great American Cookie Cake.

Well Danny had an amazing surprise for me when we got back from Killeen. I walked into the house and the entire downstairs was painted with new home decor and all! The kitchen is an olive green which makes you hungry for lasagna, salad and bread right away. He decorated the walls with black wrought iron pieces of leaves and tin vases. My favorite in the kitchen is the huge fork hanging by our window. Our living room is a warm tan color and he bought tons of crosses to decorate and a neat vase with burnt orange grass like things coming out of it. There's a black wrought iron bike on the ledge that holds our photo albums. A small replica of that bike is also in the kitchen on top of the cabinets. Then he painted his office a dark chocolate brown called "fudge." It all looks so neat, I was so surprised and I almost cried when I walked in. It was the perfect end to my week and the fact that he put so much work into it all was just so appreciated. He had help from Kyle, Tony and Juanita with some of the painting but he bought all the decor himself...what a talented man!
But that was not all. Danny took me upstairs to our bedroom and that was painted too! It was a darker green than the kitchen and looks so great with our dark wood furniture. He added decor in the room as well and had it all rearranged. I feel like I have a brand new house. This is gonna sound strange, but I've actually slept really good since I've been home like it's all brand new. I'm sure it has to do with the fact that I haven't slept in my own bed for a week but I think it has something to do with the paint too. I don't have any pictures of the walls but I'll have to post them when I do. can just come over sometime and see for yourself.

Ok so we had family pictures done on Monday. Danny's grandparents are here from Puerto Rico so it was a good time to update our pictures. Here are just a few of the girls. I don't have any others yet but I'll post them once I have them. Amy did the pictures, her website is She is amazing. Thank you Amy!

This is probably the only picture Jedidiah is smiling in. She was not having a good day that day and though she usually loves taking pictures she wasn't having it that day. But here's a picture of her beautiful smile.

Oh Sophia, you are too sweet. All Amy had to do was say her name and she was all gums! Look at this beautiful baby, I'm so blessed with my girls.

And I had to show you that Jedidiah really was being serious the entire time. But even being serious she's still so cute! Amy brought this dress with her for Jedidiah to wear, it was beautiful on her. Made her look like a mini-princess.

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