
Tuesday, April 28, 2009


There's physical healing, mental healing, spiritual healing, and emotional healing. What I'm about to talk about is physical healing. This is something that I've seen occur in other people and experienced it with my daughters. Both of them were healed while they were in my womb. Jedidiah was pronounced a miscarriage then after much prayer and faith she was brought back to life. Sophia had spots on her heart and a diagnosis of possible Downs Syndrome and after much prayer and faith she too was healed and born perfectly normal! So I guess I've experienced healing in a way but still don't consider it me even though it took place inside my body.
But just this past weekend our pastor talked about healing and why Jesus was and still is called the ultimate Physician. Well I've been having lots of back and neck discomfort and tension and even that day in church I was so uncomfortable. I kept rubbing my neck hoping it would just loosen up but it didn't. At the end of his message he invited anyone who needed healing to the front to receive prayer. So I went in faith knowing that I would be healed. A lady began to pray for me and she began to anoint my head with oil. At the very moment she placed her fingers on my forehead I felt a warmth coming from my forehead down the back of my neck and all the way down my back! Instantly the tension and discomfort was gone. My shoulders were relaxed and I felt amazing! I experienced physical healing! Since Saturday I have not had the tension in my neck or back it's been great. Praise God He still heals today!

To watch the message on healing:

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