
Monday, September 13, 2010

The Harvest

It's coming. Can you tell? Colors are changing, temperatures are shifting, the winds are moving. Fall is coming!

When I was younger my favorite season was the Summer. I think it was mainly for two reasons: my birthday is in the Summer and there was no school. But now that I'm older my favorite season is the Fall. There is something that excites me about leaves changing color, the smells of pumpkin pie and cinnamon, cooler days and yes even visiting pumpkin patches. This season of Harvest intrigues me. If I could decorate my house with Fall all year round I would...ask my husband.

I started asking the Lord why I liked this season so much. After all, the Summer brings vacations, bar-b-ques and not to mention my birthday! The Spring is beautiful with everything growing and butterflies fluttering and when I think of Winter I think of the birth of Jesus, family gathering together and lots of gift exchanging. So why am I drawn to the Fall? The Lord began to speak with me about this season and why it means so much to me now that I've grown in my relationship with Him.

He said "Lucy, this is the time of Harvest, when all that was planted seasons ago is reaped." I began to think about this and what scripture has to say about the "Harvest." You may have heard of the saying "you reap what you sow." Well it was first said by God. Galatians 6:7-9 Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. This scripture is speaking about sowing seeds of faith and truth into not only our own spirit but into others. It reminds us to keep sowing our seed even if we don't see the results as quickly as we'd like.

Have you ever tried to speak into someones life and pour out all your energy to help that person only to see that nothing has changed? Did it then frustrate you and diminish your faith a little bit? I know I've been there. And that's where God showed me that I'm a "Harvest" kind of girl. I like to see the fruit of my labor. I enjoy seeing the seed that I've planted come to full fruition. But when I don't see it as quickly as I expect I get frustrated. When I don't see that person change for the better as I hoped they would I lose a bit of faith. How silly is that? It's like putting a seed in the ground then immediately fixing your eyes on it to see the slightest bit of growth....that is foolish! The seed needs water, sun and time to grow. The same is true with us. When I first began to truly learn about Christ and His goodness towards me my heart did not immediately change. It took water (the word of God) and the SON (Jesus Christ) touched down on me periodically and then in time my heart grew deeper in love with the Lord and that's when I grew and changed.

Mark 4:26-29 The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head. But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle because the harvest has come. These verses confess the supernatural character of God. We are responsible for sowing the message of Christ, and that is our only responsibility in the process. God is the only one who produces the effects. We are not to become frustrated in the process because God has a due season for every seed that we plant. His timing is not always ours. Sometimes the "due season" means a quick return and sometimes it means a slow return, one that could take years or even a lifetime. But we can always have faith in God knowing that:
First, God will cause a harvest to come from our seeds. Secondly, He is never late, but always right on time. And thirdly, our harvest will have the same nature as our seeds. Good seeds will reap a good harvest, bad seeds will reap a bad careful what you sow.

So I encourage you, continue sowing seeds, continue loving and doing good to others and pressing in to God and develop an intimate relationship with Him. Don't be discouraged during the growing time, do not lose heart because God promises that the Harvest is guaranteed. One day, you will see the fruit of your labor and rejoice with Him over the Harvest.

So as the season of Fall approaches, it reminds me that I must wait with expectation and with much anticipation, knowing that in the Spiritual realm, my Harvest is coming. The Harvest is guaranteed; there is a due season for your life...wait for it with an expectant heart.

It's coming, can you tell? Hearts are changing, the atmosphere is shifting. The Kingdom of God is moving...the Harvest is coming!

1 comment:

  1. Very good word my friend.. & very well written :) So encouraging!
