
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Season of Wait

So I constantly say to myself that I don't have time for a Facebook or MySpace account. I barely have time to check my regular email. But here I am...blogging! I spoke with a friend today that I haven't spoken with in a long time. He told me he's been I miss that. I used to journal all the time, to the point that I had organized journals...go figure; anyone who knows me well enough is probably shaking their head right now. There were specific purposes to my journals; Prayer journal, Daily life journal, Love journal (cute little things about my Danny that I loved) Church journal and who knows what else. But somewhere between getting pregnant for the first time and becoming a stay-at-home mom of 2 it all stopped. But I've decided to start journaling again and try to keep up to date with technology.

Life can get busy at times and if I'm not careful I can get "busy" doing a whole lot of nothing. That's one place I don't want to be...the land of idleness. I'm in a season of waiting right now. The Lord has impressed a desire in my heart as well as placed the vision in my sight to be a speaker, teacher and motivator to women of many kinds. In this vision I've seen myself speaking to large crowds of women, teaching young women about their awaited desitiny and even writing books! This is a pretty big plate and my life at the moment looks nothing at all like my calling. But I'm in a season of waiting. Something I've been learning in this season is that waiting is not to be confussed with idleness. Waiting is not the abscense of activity, to wait is to be prepared for when the season changes. Idelness on the other hand, is to actually do nothing. The Lord is showing me that the Promise of God seldom ever looks like the Will of God. When God speaks a promise He'll take you into His will to prepare you for the promise. The Isrealites were promised a free life in a land flowing of milk and honey yet their will was to live in a dessert 40 years. Why? Because they had to do the will of God first in order to receive the promise. And God has revealed so much of His character to me through motherhood. Here's how it looks in the natural eye: I tell Jeididah,"I'm going to take you to get ice cream and then we'll play in the park for hours and after that we'll watch a movie." So her response would of course be "yay!!!!" But then I say to her, "but first you need to clean up your toys and help with the laundry." Ok wait, this is totally different than ice cream, playing and a movie! God has showed me that first I must do His will then I'll be prepared for the promise...I must wait while doing. I must be obedient to the preparation. If I stay idle I'll never get to the promise. I must wait and do His will which right now looks nothing like the Promise. Until next time...wait.

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