
Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Lot Of Catching Up To Do

Aug 17th Jedidiah turned 2! Here's the birthday girl in her ice cream outfit.
She had her birthday at Bear Creek Park and we all made our own ice cream with different candy toppings, yum!

Here she is with all her friends. They had already started eating cake at this point so to get them all to look at the camera for a picture was kind of hard.

I can't believe she's 2 already. It feels like I just had her. She's grown up so much and has such a little personality. She has a favorite pair of shorts that she wants to wear all the time, even if I tell her their dirty. They're light blue with yellow flowers but I think she likes them for the pockets. She loves to help around the house and I love the way she is always concerned about Sophia. But at times she takes her big sister role too seriously and I find her disciplining Sophia saying to her "no no Sophia." It's kind of helpful at times because usually Jedidiah does that when Sophia is putting something in her mouth she shouldn't, but other times she just wants to be bossy. She can drink from a regular cup now and usually does really well not spilling. She's counting to 10 in both Spanish and English and though most of her conversations are in Spanish she's starting to say things in English like "thank you" "hello" "outside" and her favorite "swing"...that's when she wants to go to the park.
The day after her birthday we told her that she was such a big girl now that she could sleep in a big girl bed. We took the front panel off her crib and converted it to a toddler bed. It was so fun for her. First thing she did was jump on the mattress (of course I had to remind her what happened to the monkeys when they jumped on the bed) and just the fact that she could get on and off the bed by herself was fun for her. Here's how the first 2 nights of her new bed played out.

Night number 1: we told her she was a big girl and she didn't sleep in a baby bed anymore. She has to stay in her bed the whole night to sleep and can't leave her room once she's in bed. We pray with her, tuck her in and walk out as usual. About 10 min later there's little footsteps walking upstairs. Danny goes up to check and she's in her playroom playing with her new kitchen! Jedidiah what are you doing? She just smiles and runs back to her room. Ok, you can't leave your room, if you leave your room again you'll get in trouble...she didn't come out again. That night at about 2am we hear a whining sound from her room. Danny goes in and she's not on her bed! At some point in the night she decided that sleeping under her bed would be more fun. She took her blanket with her and was sleeping underneath. All you could see was her head poking out. Funny girl.

Night number 2: same routine, can't leave the room, if you do you'll get in trouble. This time instead of us being downstairs we were in our room getting ready to sleep as well. She had been in her room for a while at this point when all of a sudden she walks in our room and says "hello Mami" with a big smile on her face. Even though we said she'd get in trouble if she came out it was so cute and we just couldn't do anything at that point but laugh. She went back to her room and by the third night she caught on and now she's doing great in her big girl bed. She's only fallen off the bed once and thankfully we had pillows on the floor to cushion her fall.

Here are the girls playing. They do really well together and most of the time they get along. Jedidiah showed Sophia to crawl through the play tunnels we have and now Sophia loves it. Jedidiah goes in and I'll tell her "find Jedidiah" and she'll take off in the tunnel. Sometimes they just sit in there for a little while and play. As long as I don't hear crying then it must be alright.

This is pretty funny. Sophia loves this mirror. She makes funny faces when she looks in it. I think she's still confused as to how she's able to see herself in it. She kisses it and puts her face right on it like she's trying to see through it. It's funny to watch.

Sophia is 10 months old and any day now she'll take off walking. It's amazing how much she's grown too. If you say hi or bye to her she waves and even says "hola" she's saying "mama" and "papa" now and boy does she love ducks! Of all her bath toys she goes for the duck every time. We have a dancing duck that quacks and moves and she dances with it and gets so happy. Her favorite book is about ducks too. She cannot and will not sleep at night till you read her that book! We took them to the park today and there were lots of ducks swimming in the creek. Sophia watched in amazement that they were really there in front of her.

Even though this stay-at-home business is the toughest thing I've ever done it certainly has it's blessings. I'm so thankful that I get to witness all these little moments and expressions. And it's so strange how one minute I can be fuming mad at Jedidiah and discipline her for something and literally the next minute be so lovey dovey with her because she did something cute. I'm privileged to be home with them and not only just take care of them, I get to teach them everyday. At first I really didn't think anything I was doing was accomplishing much but now to see how much Jedidiah knows is just incredible. And Sophia is learning so much faster than Jedidiah did. I've got some smart cookies on my hands!

And last but not's my pregnant belly. This picture was at about 12 weeks and I'm 14 weeks now, so just imagine it's a little bit bigger by now. I'm doing great and I'm feeling the baby move here and there. I started having contractions last week already and went in to see the doctor. Everything checked out fine but she said my uterus is tired and overworked...go figure so am I! But there's no cause to worry it's normal on subsequent pregnancies for contractions to start really early. We won't know what we're having till my Oct appointment. I'm thinking boy but we'll see.